로그인 회원가입



중부 및 중남부노회 2013 SFC 수련회

  • 작성자 : 김성진
  • 조회 : 3,874
  • 13-07-09 14:31

중부 및 중남부노회의 교회에 문안드립니다.
2013 SFC 수련회를 준비하며, 입회 방법에 관한 변경된 내용을 보내 드립니다.
참고해 주시고 협력해 주시길 부탁 드립니다.

아울러 이후 수련회 관련 내용을 페이스북 페이지를 통해 계시하게 되오니, 참고해 주시길 부탁 드립니다.

늘푸른교회 SFC Retreat Team.

Hello Everyone!
Students for Christ 2013 is just around the corner! Here are the specific details and info's that may be of assistance!

July 29th-August 1st "The Beloved Community"
-Early Bird Registration (Before July 6th) : $160.00
-Normal Registration (After July 6th) : $175.00
-Volunteers for Small Group and Assistance: $80.00 **Details Below**
-For others and non-volunteers: $145.00, (this includes those who are older than High School, who are coming on this trip to be a chaperon for the church and will be staying with us. This covers the lodging and food expenses).

The spots for volunteers for small group and assistance are limited to the first twenty qualified applicants, so hurry and apply! There will be a brief conversation to make sure you agree with the duties and beliefs we follow at SFC. After this short conversation, you will receive the discounted rate of $80.00 as a volunteer. Please email us a list of volunteers with contact info, thank you! :)



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