로그인 회원가입



염광교회(중남부) 영어권 목사 청빙

The Salt and Light Presbyterian Church in Atlanta, GA is seeking for an EM/Youth Pastor (Part time or Full time).

1.   A Master of Divinity Degree (M.div or higher) from an accredited theological seminary or Currently seminarian (M.div course)
If interested, please send the following documents (PDF File)
- Personal testimony
- Resume, copy of seminary diploma
- If ordained, a copy of the certificate of ordination
- One recommendation letter (from a pastor)
- One recorded sermon (Audio or Video)

To submit application documents
- Email to sepcphcw@gmil.com (The letters must be emailed directly)

Church Information: 

Church: The Salt and Light Presbyterian Church
Address: 4300 South Lee St Buford GA 30518
Contact Person: Senior Pastor Changwoo Hong (sepcphcw@gmail.com)


20-12-14 18:38


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