교회헌법 목차
Part I: Doctrinal Standards
The Westminster Confession of Faith
The Larger Catechism
The Shorter Catechism
Part II: Administrative Standard
Church Worshi
Chapter 1: The Church and Worship
Chapter 2: Observance of the Lord's Da
Chapter 3: Lord's Day Worship
Chapter 4: Proclamation of the Word
Chapter 5: Sacraments
Chapter 6: Confirmation
Chapter 7: Festivals, Thanksgiving Days, and Days of Fasting
Chapter 8: Prayer Meetings
Chapter 9: Church School
Chapter 10: Marriage and Funeral
Chapter 11: Other Worship Practices
Church Governance
Chapter 1: Principles of Church Governance
Chapter 2: The Church
Chapter 3: Church Members
Chapter 4: Church Officers
Chapter 5: Pastors
Chapter 6: Elders
Chapter 7: Deacons
Chapter 8: Assistant Officers and Temporary Officers
Chapter 9: Church Officer Examinations
Chapter 10: Church Governing Bodies
Chapter 11: The Session
Chapter 12: The Presbytery
Chapter 13: General Assembly
Chapter 14: Church Meetings and Affiliated Organizations
Chapter 15: Missions and External (Denominational, Organizational) Exchanges
Chapter 16: Property
Church Discipline
Chapter 1: General Provisions
Chapter 2: Judicial Rules
Chapter 3: Disciplinary Trials
Chapter 4: Administrative Trials
Chapter 5: Rules for Handling Cases Processed by Lower Governing Bodies
Chapter 6: Petition for Retrial
Chapter 7: Discipline, Restoration and Disposition
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