작성일 : 17-05-02 07:32
유스 EM 목회자 초빙, 로뎀장로교회(박일룡목사,서부노회)
 글쓴이 : HesedMoon
조회 : 2,526  

Youth Pastor(Part or Half Time)

Rohthem Presbyterian Church


Rohthem Presbyterian Church(Anaheim, CA) is seeking a youth pastor who can pastor about 35 youth students with the word of God and lead them to Christlikeness Christian living. Our church is a congregation of about 350 Korean Ministry adult members. We have an independent English ministry called Gospel Life Mission Church having partnership with us.


Regular Responsibilities

1.    Leading and preaching Sunday worship, Friday bible studies

2.    Planning and coordinating off-site ministries such as retreats, fellowship events and short term missions, etc

3.    Giving pastoral care and counseling to students

4.    Training and working together with teachers,

5.    Overseeing and developing student leadership



1.    Having love and passion for youth

2.    A graduate or current student of accredited seminary

3.    Previous youth teacher or youth pastor experience preferred

4.    Fluent in English and conversational in Korean

5.    A team player with good relational and organizational skill


To apply, submit the following to echung@rohthem.com or for more information call Esther Chung at (562)794-0745

·         Resume (including two references for the past five years from pastors or spiritual mentors)

·         Personal statement of faith including your faith and Christian life experience

·         Two sample sermons (audio or video)


Salary: Negotiable (based on qualification and position)


Starting Time: July 2017


Contact: Esther Chung


(562) 794-0745



일반형 뉴스형 사진형 Total 93
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